Gospel Reflection: What Is Easter?

Gospel Reading: John 20: 1-9

What is ‘Easter’? Easter is synonymous with joy, hope, and new life. These things fill us up, encourage us, and make us want to keep moving forward. But would joy be possible if it were not for misery? How would we know the promise of hope if we were not acutely aware of despair? New life is beautiful, but we know that beauty is fleeting.

So often we hide our dark moments away from those we love. Maybe out of shame or a desire not to burden them, but we are inclined to pretend that we are always living our best life. After the birth of my second son, I struggled with crippling anxiety and depression. In the midst of what was supposed to be the best times of my life, joy, and hope were not within my grasp, but I just kept pushing through. In time, I was honest with myself and others and began the journey of healing and recovery. I have come to appreciate the path I have taken and those who have walked it with me.

Jesus invited his friends to accompany him to the garden. He knew it would not be easy and that they would be subjected to his suffering. He even predicted that they would not all have the strength to stand by him. But that did not stop him from asking them to walk alongside him.

Making the way to the Easters of our lives was never intended to be an independent act. This Easter season make room for all the highs and lows in your heart. Let others in and look for opportunities to accompany them on their journey.

As Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, ‘Unless there is Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday.’

Wishing you abundant joy and hope, and good friends to see you through.

God bless,
Patty D’Angelo, Director of Faith Formation


Happy Easter


Lenten Parish Mission 2024